donderdag 1 februari 2018

Ziferblat London

Last week, I visited Ziferblat in London. The concept had first come to my attention when the Moscow Ziferblat was featured in BBC’s World’s Busiest Cities series. The café looks like someone’s living room and instead of paying for your drinks, you pay for the time you spend there. I thought this was a great idea, so I decided to give it a look!

I happened to drop in at Ziferblat on a Friday evening, which turned out to be the evening on which the local writers gather to work their magic. While they were doing so, my husband and I played Exploding Kittens and had some very strong tea the host, Ariel, had recommended. Afterwards we had a nice chat with the group; we all introduced our work and exchanged ideas on character building. All in all a very pleasant evening. I may just make sure that my next trip to London includes a Friday… 

You can read one of the Ziferblat writers’ work at Check it out!

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